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Department of Premier & Cabinet

Routine Disclosures and Right to Information

Right to Information - Information released under assessed disclosures (DPAC)

DPAC may publish information released in response to a request for assessed disclosure of information made under the Right to Information Act 2009. Such information will be accessible via the disclosure log.

Certain information released in response to Right to Information requests will be published online within 48 hours of being released to the applicant. This only applies to applications received after 9 June 2015.

This approach makes information released to an applicant available to a wider audience and increases Government transparency and accountability.

Applicants should note that:

  • if they seek and are granted a waiver of the application fee on the basis of general public interest, and it is determined that the information is in the broader public interest, publication of the released information is likely.
  • their identity will not be published. The category of applicant will be published, i.e. Member of Parliament, media representative, private individual.
  • a summary of the application will be published. This gives context to the nature of the released information.
  • only information that is considered to be in the broader public interest will be published. No personal information will be published.
  • information of a commercial or confidential nature will not be published.


Date of Publication Category of applicant Summary of request Information Released
28/06/2024 Member of Parliament

The Ministerial Brief Pack provided for Estimates held last year, related to science and technology

Budget Estimates briefing pack
20/06/2024 Member of the Public

1. A copy of the Discussion Paper mentioned in the Minutes of the RTI Uplift Project Steering Committee of 3 August 2023 and any subsequent versions of the Discussion Paper

2. Any summary or high level Info graphic produced from the feedback of the survey of delegates mentioned in the above minutes of 3 August 2023.

RTI Project Steering Committee
17/05/2024 Member of the Public

Information to compare requirements that both Department of Premier and Cabinet and Tasmania Police employees need to meet in order to be granted Secondary Caregiver Leave who assume primary care giving responsibilities including dates of birth of the children to which the leave applies, periods of leave, including duration, taken.

Paid parental leave for secondary care givers
13/05/2024 Member of Parliament

The total amount spent by DPAC on entertainment expenses, and by Secretary and Deputy Secretaries on travel expenses, for last three financial years

Departmental Entertainment and Travel Expenses for last three financial years
8/05/2024 Member of the Public

Information about the activity of the RTI Uplift Project, specifically; the current membership of the Steering Committee, when the Steering Committee held its first meeting, the number and dates of meetings of the Steering Committee and copies of the minutes of the meetings

RTI Uplift Project Steering Committee
20/02/2024 Member of Parliament

1.  A breakdown of the final payment to Rod Nockles former Deputy Secretary of the Department. (Whether there were any other payments made above leave and notice pay).

2.  A list of direct appointments to SES positions in the last two years (to date of request 22 December 2023) for the Tasmanian State Service, that were made without advertising or an expression of interest process.

SES officers
20/02/2024 Member of Parliament

The results of any staff satisfaction surveys or questionnaires for the Department, carried out within the last 5 years.

Staff satisfaction surveys
22/01/2024 Member of Parliament

1. For the last 3 years, the number (FTE and headcount) and percentage of the Tasmanian State Service workforce who have a disability.

2. For the last 3 years, the targets for the number (FTE and head count) and percentage of the Tasmanian State Service workforce who have a disability.

TSS Workforce with disability
15/01/2024 Member of Parliament

In relation to the selection process for the Secretary of the Department of State Growth:

  1. The number of expressions of interest received for the Secretary position.
  2. The number of state, interstate and international applications received.
  3. The details of stages to the application process after expressions of interest were received and the number of candidates that reached each stage of the recruitment process.
  4. The number of applications that were shortlisted and interviewed.
  5. The selection panel members who conducted the process.
  6. The panel’s recommendation for the appointee.
  7. Itemised invoice of costs related to the recruitment and selection process.
Secretary DSG recruitment
21/12/2023 Member of Parliament

In relation to the Commission of Inquiry Report and Recommendations, any advice, minute or briefing provided to the Premier or Ministers.

Commission of Inquiry advice
18/12/2023 Member of Parliament

1. Actual advertising costs incurred for the Stronger Together campaign since 1 July 2022 including an itemised breakdown of costs. 2. The total planned or projected advertising costs for the Stronger Together campaign including an itemised breakdown of costs.

Stronger Together campaign costs
11/12/2023 Member of Parliament

All correspondence between the Royal Flying Doctor Service (or agent/lobbyist) and DPAC for the period April 2021 to date.

RFDS correspondence with DPAC
21/09/2023 Member of Parliament

Clause 6 of Employment Direction 20 requires that the Director of the State Service Management Office provides each year a report on the application of Market Allowance by each agency. I request a copy of each of these reports for the years 2023, 2022 and 2021.

Market Allowance reports 2021-22 and 2022-23
21/09/2023 Member of Parliament

Departmental expenditure for the financial year 2022-23 on a) Consultants b) Advertising c) Travel d) Labour hire e) Contractors

The current FTE number of a) Casual employees b) Fixed term employees

Expenditure 2022-23
6/04/2023 Member of Parliament

Information relating to the 2021 election commitments.

Information relating to election commitments 2021
30/03/2023 Member of Parliament

Information relating to DPAC's use of external recruitment agencies and the positions which they were used for.

information relating to external recruitment expenditure
29/03/2023 Media

Information relating to the Local Communities Facilities Fund and grant deeds for 2021 election commitments.

Grant deeds, and information relating to election commitments and the local communities facilities funds
21/03/2023 Member of Parliament

Information relating to Departmental expenditure for the year to date on consultants, advertising and travel and the current number of vacancies across the Department.

DPAC consultant, advertising, and travel costs
21/03/2023 Member of the Public

Minute to the Premier and letter from the Premier to the UTAS Vice-Chancellor about the proposed move of UTAS to the Hobart CBD.

Minute to the Premier regarding UTAS's move to the CBD
16/01/2023 Member of the Public

Number of State Servants who transitioned to Working From Home during COVID-19

State Servants Working From Home
23/12/2022 Member of Parliament

Documentation about development  and production of the Tasmanian State of the State Report and funding of, and responsibility  for, developing the Report.

Tasmanian State of the Environment Report
9/11/2022 Member of Parliament

Copies of any documents developed for Ministers to assist with answering questions during Budget Estimates 2022 on Conflicts of Interest and ED5 and Code of Conduct

Budget Estimates Briefs 2022-23
29/08/2022 Member of the Public

All briefs to senior officers and the Premier/Ministers for DPAC about proposed move of UTAS into the Hobart CBD. All records relating to inclusion of UTAS in Hobart City Deal.

UTAS move to CBD and inclusion in Hobart City Deal
10/06/2022 Member of the Public

A copy of funding agreements or similar documents between the Department of Premier and Cabinet and a registered charity called Scarlet Alliance.

Funding agreements with Scarlet Alliance
3/02/2022 Member of Parliament

Information relating to Tasmanian Government Board data for the period 2010-2021

Tasmanian Government Board information 2010-2021.pdf
23/12/2021 Member of Parliament

Information relating to polling or research regarding the Tasmanian Government's management of COVID-19

Polling research information for management of COVID-19.PDF
5/11/2021 Member of Parliament

Annual expenditure since 2014 on advertising relating to the State Budget

RTI - State Budget Expenditure since 2014.pdf
20/08/2021 Member of the Public

Notes and/or Minutes of Sustainable Development Advisory Council
Feb 1996–Sept 1997

Draft Minutes of Sustainable Development Advisory Council 1996-97
29/06/2021 Member of Parliament

Lobbyist Register information relating to Font Public Relations since 1 March 2021

Tasmanian Government Lobbyist Register information
25/01/2021 Member of Parliament

Documents developed for Ministers to answer questions during Budget Estimates 2020 about Marinus Link and the Commission of Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Estimates Briefs
16/11/2020 Member of Parliament

SES appointments since 1 January 2019

SES appointments since 1 January 2019
16/11/2020 Member of Parliament

Tasmanian Government Credit Card expenditure Secretary and Deputy Secretaries DPAC

Tasmanian Government Card expenses
19/10/2020 Solicitor

Notifications published to the TasALERT website 1 June 2016 to 12 June 2016 inclusive

Notifications to TasALERT website
19/10/2020 Solicitor

Notifications published to the TasALERT Facebook page 1 June 2016 to 12 June 2016 inclusive

TasALERT notifications to Facebook
30/09/2020 Member of Parliament

Information about the COVID-19 response, the Recovery Taskforce and the State Recovery Coordinator

COVID-19 response State Recovery.pdf
30/09/2020 Member of Parliament

Information about the RiskReady tool and bushfire-prone overlay mapping

RiskReady tool
25/08/2020 Media

Information about local government code of conduct complaints dismissed on initial assessment

24/08/2020 Media

Information about Local Government Code of Conduct complaints dismissed on initial assessment

Code of Conduct Panel Information
11/06/2020 Media

Communications about promotion for RiskReady

2/03/2020 Member of Parliament

Correspondence between the Department and Minister Barnett or his office regarding travel expenditure (1/12/19 to 31/01/20).

17/01/2020 Member of Parliament

Itemised statement of expenditure for the credit card issued to Minister Barnett's Chief of Staff for financial years 2017-18 and 2018-19.

Credit card statements
16/10/2019 Media

Interdepartmental communications from the two most recent financial years regarding employees' personal use of social media.

Correspondence, social media policies and fact sheets
8/07/2019 Member of Parliament

Correspondence relating to standing down of workers and docking pay of workers (1/11/2018 to 9/4/2019).

22/05/2019 Media

Tasmanian State Service Employee Survey 2018 - Department of Premier and Cabinet

10/05/2019 Member of Parliament

Additional information pertaining to the code of conduct investigation involving Minister Courtney and Secretary, DPIPWE.

8/03/2019 Member of Parliament

Further information pertaining to the code of conduct investigation involving Minister Courtney and Secretary, DPIPWE.

29/01/2019 Member of Parliament

Information pertaining to code of conduct investigation involving Minister Courtney and Secretary, DPIPWE.

1/11/2018 Member of the Public

Correspondence between DPAC and any short-term accommodation providers on the data sharing partnership.

29/08/2018 Member of Parliament

Details of any contracts between the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Deloitte entered into between 30 November 2016 and 30 November 2017.

Contract details
22/12/2017 Member of Parliament

Protocols, policies or draft protocols and policies regarding social media use by Public Sector workers.

Social Media Procedures and Guidelines - Personal Use - July 2016
22/12/2017 Member of Parliament

Protocols, policies or draft protocols and policies regarding social media use by Public Sector workers.

Social Media Policy - Personal Use - July 2016
22/12/2017 Member of Parliament

Protocols, policies or draft protocols and policies regarding social media use by Public Sector workers.

Social Media Policy - Personal Use (What You Must Know) - October 2016
22/12/2017 Member of Parliament

Protocols, policies or draft protocols and policies regarding social media use by Public Sector workers.

Social Media FAQs - Personal Use - October 2016
22/12/2017 Member of Parliament

Protocols, policies or draft protocols and policies regarding social media use by Public Sector workers.

DPAC Social Media Policy - Professional Use - December 2017
28/11/2017 Member of the Public

An un-redacted copy of the Stakeholder Feedback on the Draft Tasmanian Coastal Policy Statement: Final Report.

Partially redacted Stakeholder Feedback on Draft Tasmanian Coastal Policy Statement: Final Report
17/07/2017 Media

Copy of DPAC’s 2016 People Matter Survey.

DPAC’s People Matter Survey Results 2016
17/07/2017 Media

Copy of DPAC’s 2015 People Matter Survey.

DPAC’s People Matter Survey Results 2015
8/05/2017 Member of Parliament

Copies of applications for the 2017 Multicultural Grants Program, together with all correspondence between the Premier’s Office, Ministerial Offices & Parliamentary Secretary, Sarah Courtney MP in relation to the program.

19/04/2017 Media

Information on communications between the State and Federal Government about the status and future of the Joint Commonwealth and Tasmanian Economic Council (JCTEC).

Information on the Joint Commonwealth and Tasmanian Economic Council (JCTEC)
6/01/2017 Member of Parliament

Information on funding provided to sporting organisations.

Information on funding provided to sporting organisations
1/01/1970 Member of Parliament

Information regarding the emergency aid funding provided immediately after the flood emergency in Launceston in June 2016.

Emergency aid funding - Launceston floods - June 2016
30/06/2016 Member of Parliament

A copy of employment contract for Mr Ian Hanke, Premier’s Office.

Contract Mr Ian Hanke
27/05/2016 Member of Parliament

Information relating to Targeted Negotiated Voluntary Redundancy (TNVR) and Workplace Renewal Incentive Program
(WRIP) in the Department of Health and Human Services and Tasmanian Health Organisations between 2014-2016.

TNVRs and WRIPs Information 2014-2016
21/04/2016 Media

Information relating to Port Arthur

Port Arthur
9/03/2016 Member of Parliament

Information from the State Service Management Office for all state service positions that are Aboriginal Identified Positions as at  February 2016.

Aboriginal Identified Positions
19/01/2016 Member of Parliament

Details regarding the recruitment and selection process for the Secretary, Department of Education.

DoE Secretary Appointment
14/01/2016 Member of Parliament

Information concerning the Workforce Renewal Incentive Program for 2014-15.

WRIP information 2014-15
7/01/2016 Member of Parliament

Consultancies engaged by DPAC from 1 August 2014 to 18 November 2015.

DPAC consultancies - Aug 2014 - Nov 2015
18/12/2015 Member of Parliament

Information relating to all training courses and professional development undertaken by DPAC Senior Executive Service Level Staff.

SES Training and Professional Development
29/10/2015 Member of Parliament

Information relating to the recruitment process for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer, Tasmanian Health Organisation.

CEO, THS - Recruitment Process
29/10/2015 Member of Parliament

Information relating to the recruitment process for the appointment of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.

Secretary, DHHS - Recruitment Process
19/10/2015 Media

A copy of DPAC’s gifts and benefits register for the past 12 months (Sept 2014 to Sept 2015).

DPAC - Gift Benefit Register (Sept 2014 to Sept 2015)
3/08/2015 Member of Parliament

Information relating to the State Service Management Office (SSMO) and the number of Tasmanian State Service employees who are not permanently attached to a position.

SSMO and Employees not permanently attached to a position