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Department of Premier & Cabinet

Routine Disclosures and Right to Information

How to make an RTI application

Applications for the Department of Premier and Cabinet are to be addressed to:

Right to Information
Department of Premier and Cabinet
GPO Box 123
Hobart  TAS 7001

Or email: righttoinformation@dpac.tas.gov.au

A form to assist in making an application is available:

About the application process

  • Applications for information need to be made to the department, authority or council holding the relevant information or most closely linked to the information. A webpage like this one is available for most other public authorities.
  • The above application form should be used for both Department of Premier and Cabinet applications and for applications to the Premier, Minister for Planning, Minister for Science and Technology, and Minister for Local Government, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Veteran’s Affairs, Minister for Disability Services, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Women, and Minister for Community Services and Development.
  • If you are not using the form, please note that your applications must be made in writing and include the information that is requested in the form - this is a requirement of regulation 5 of the Right to Information Regulations 2021.
  • Applications are to be accompanied by the application fee. This fee is 25 fee units, which currently equates to $46.75 as at 1 July 2024 and is indexed annually.
  • You may apply to have the fee waived if:
    • you are in financial hardship - we take that to mean that you are on income support payments (we would usually ask to see evidence that you are in receipt of Centrelink or veterans affairs payments)
    • you are a member of Parliament and the application is in connection with your official duty
    • you are a journalist acting in connection with your professional duties
    • you are able to gives us information showing that the information sought is intended to be used for a purpose that is of general public interest or benefit.
  • Make sure you have looked for the information before you make a formal application, because if the information is otherwise available your application may be refused without the return of your application fee.

Right to Information manual and guidelines

A manual and guidelines published by the Ombudsman provide more detail on making requests under the Act and how they are processed by the agency to which the request is sent.